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the ups & downs of social media

As you guys must know by now, I love social media.

But today I got on and I saw picture after picture of beautiful girl. And, like everyone does sometimes, I started to compare myself. Well, if I just stopped caring so much about what people thought of me, I'd be that carefree. If I learned how to apply make up like her, I'd be that beautiful. If I had more money and more fashion sense, I'd be as cute as her.

This got so bad that I put on make up when I was literally going no where today. I got in my car and started driving to Walmart to buy more make up and more cute clothes, even though I have minimal funds, because at that point in time, being the stereotypical beautiful was that important to me.

So here I am, after spending a half hour on my make up and hair, and changing multiple times, on the road to look like the girls on Instagram.

And then I had a thought.

"Ella, you're freaking ridiculous." (That was probably not what you were expecting, huh?) "You have no money, you look the way you look, get over it."

So guess what I did? I blasted my favorite band, went on a beautiful drive around La Grande, and prayed to God to heal my soul. And then? I went to the library.

Yup, that's my tactic. I often pray to Heavenly Father to help me get out of my own head, to help me have strength and confidence. I didn't used to do this because, to be honest, I thought prayers like those were entirely selfish. I guess they can be, but when you pray to God like you are talking to a friend, that's when your relationship grows. And he will help!! He wants to help!!

Not only did I pray and treat myself by getting four new books from the library, buying myself a hot cocoa, and jamming to my favorite band, but I also decided to stop being angry with girls who seemed to be perfect. Because for a long time that's what I was- angry.

Social media is so great!! Connecting with people, in my opinion, is a lot of what this life is all about. Being able to share experiences that you love, pictures that you love, things that you love with people that you love is an amazing gift.

But a lot of the times it sucks. We get so wrapped up in #goals, and comparing ourselves to hand picked, edited photos of peoples best moments.

Honestly, just don't let it get you down. Do you. Be you. Treat yo self. Choose happiness. Jam to your favorite band. Stop comparing yourself to others. Go to the library.

Most of all, Keep Calm and love Jesus.

Thanks you so much for reading my random rant today!!!!!!! I love you all!!!!

Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite


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