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merry freaking christmas

Currently: Sitting at the kitchen table at my dad's house in Idaho, the tv as my background noise, and multiple feet of snow out the window as my view.

Yup, this is my life right now. And you know what? It's beautiful.

As a child of divorce, the holidays are always full of stressful travel plans in order to see both of my wonderful families as much as I can and this year has been no different. As stressful as it can sometimes be, it's always so fun to see everyone and I honestly wouldn't change my crazy travel filled life for anything.

But, this year was a little different because it was the first year in the last three that I actually had a job in the month of December. And as you all know, jobs can put a damper on plans especially when you have TWO families to see and they live on the opposite ends of two states (western Oregon and Eastern Idaho). Luckily, God blessed me with a fun job that gives me lots of hours and fun coworkers. My boss was so incredibly generous to give me a week and a half off for Christmas break. Man, I'm lucky.

On December 16th, it was off to Forest Grove we go.

trampis and I got there in time to shower and get changed and go to my old ward Christmas party. That was full of laughs and I'm grateful I got to see some of my friends there as well :)

The next day we were off to central Oregon (Prineville) to visit my grandpa on my mom's side. We had a dinner with (almost) all of my mom's sisters and their kids.
Above is a picture I took on the way there of Lilli and her green eyes.

The next day we got to have dinner with my grandma!! It was fun but that morning I had woken up sick and laid on her couch for the majority of the visit. When we went back to grandpas, I laid down there, too, and got drugged up on medicine. It helped a little but I was still feeling crappy.

We drove back to Forest Grove on Monday- opening presents that night.
I was still kinda sick but feeling better. Plus, my super cool presents helped ;) Thanks, mom and Tim.

Tuesday was family day: full of shopping and going to Top Golf. SO SO FUN.
That night I went to dinner with my friend Ariel and also had a fun time. I don't think there was one minute of silence because we had so much to talk about. Shout out to her, I love her.

Wednesday we were on the road again (as in Trampis and I), on our way to Boise.
We got to Jess's dad's house and exchanged presents there. Then we went to dinner and a movie, inviting my cousin Trey to join.

Thursday was "RIGBY HERE WE COME"

We saw "Rogue One" when we got there. All I can say is awesome.

Friday was a day of relaxing and last minute Christmas shopping. I also did a girly thing and got my nails done.

Christmas Eve was also relaxing (I guess that was yesterday, wasn't it?). That night we had nacho's and ice cream with my step mama's family. It was a fun night.
The turtle necks were Traci and Sydney and I's idea. Just for fun :) Half way through the night, she said the long neck made her claustrophobic. Chandler stepped up and wore the turtle neck for her and made us all laugh in the process.

A puzzle had all us kids at our grandparents until 10:30 or so. We didn't get it finished, but no one can say we didn't try.

We came home and opened our Christmas eve PJ's (sweats :)) and went to bed.

This morning we got up, opened presents (THANKS DAD AND TRACI), ate waffles, watched "A Christmas Story", I face timed some friends, and then we went to dig my sister and brother-in-law out of the CRAZY snow storm.

I really did set out to help, but there wasn't enough shovels and after Trampis hit me in the face with snow, I retired to the car. :) Still a fun adventure with Trampis, Chandler, and Dad. :)

Since then I've been doing this! And later, we will be going to a movie.
The tradition continues.

I don't know what it is, but this trip to my dad's has been one of the best. Having step siblings can be a hard battle, wanting to be close but now knowing how. I am so lucky to have such an amazing relationship with all 9 of my siblings, 6 of those being step. They make me laugh. They make me happy. I love joking around and doing crazy things with all of them.

Family is the best thing on the earth, in my opinion. It is so important in God's plan as well!! Christmas makes me think of all of the Christmas's past that were full of family and fun, and makes me excited for the Christmas's in the future when I have my own little family.

YOU GUYS. God is so good!! He loves us so much, that he sent his son to save us! So we can all be a family again, for eternity!! I'm so lucky that I am stuck with these goobers for the rest of time.

Happy birthday, Jesus.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
I love you all.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you have the best Christmas, full of family, and if you're hurting during this holiday season, or struggling in anyway, know that you are in my prayers. Know that it will get better.

Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite


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