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Just some life updates and stuff

YOU GUYS!!!!!! It's been a while!!!
And so so much has happened. A lot of awesome things have happened so we shall begin the journey of going back in time the last few weeks of my life... ;) Ya ready?
K I'll stop being a weirdo now.

So I just checked when the last time I wrote an update post and it was when I WAS IN FOREST GROVE AND RIGBY OH MY GOSH.

That's insane. So here we go. It's so much I'm just gonna post some pictures and write a few sentences and call it good :) Cause I gotta write a paper and go to work later.

A while back I dragged my grandpa out to what my family calls "Ladd Canyon". This property has been in our family since the 1940's, belonging to my great grandfather (my grandpa actually lived in a house on this large piece of land when he was 6) and then to my great uncle. If you guys remember, this summer my great uncle got in a tragic 4-wheeling accident this summer and passed away soon after. No on in the family has the means to buy this place and take care of it so it's being sold. :( SO I made my grandpa take me and Moxon up here so I could take pictures. We walked around and he told me so much about this place. It was a good day :)

I may have stolen a souvenir.

Soon after, my dad and step mama came up to visit after dropping my step brothers at the Boise Airport. We got to paint the door of our house, go shopping at Walmart, and go to "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". I thought it was awesome, but the really awesome part was seeing my Dad and step mama :)

Then I was off to Forest Grove for Thanksgiving!! I thought this was absolutely hilarious, because look how different Oregon is from one side to the other! Plus, you guys, audio books are the absolute best thing in the world, and if you guys don't read Michael Connelly books, than you're doing life wrong. "The Wrong Side of Goodbye" is sooooo good.

We had a "fancy dinner" to celebrate my homecoming. Lilli and Kellen thought the apple cider was a nice touch.

The night I got there, Wednesday, after our "fancy dinner" I went shopping with my bff Caden. When we were done, we decided to stop by and surprise Law cause we weren't sure when we would see her over the break. It was a really fun night with two of my best friends in the world.  
Ps Caden left THIS MORNING on his mission. AHHHHHH.

Thanksgiving started with a bang... Of me and mom shopping and it DUMPING rain on us. I love her and her craziness.

We spent thanksgiving at my step grandma's with the rest of the Larkin Clan. It was SO GOOD to catch up with all of them (for real, they are some of the best people I've ever known). It was a good night.

Friday morning was pretty relaxing!! I love my babies.

Friday night was sooooooo funnnnnnnnnn!!!!! Lauren and I went to the opening night of the Portland Zoo Lights, and has so much fun. While we were there we realized that the Zoo Lights is the first time we ever hung out outside of school TWO YEARS AGO. Man, am I grateful for Law. Even tho she buys me elephant ears and forces me to eat the whole thing hahaha.

ON SATURDAY A GOOD FRIEND OF MINE GOT MARRIED!!!!!!! The day consisted of a heck of a lot of dancing, some tears, lots of pictures, olive garden, and lots and lots of fun. I'm praying that they have a long and happy marriage together.

Caden's farewell was on that Sunday. That consisted of a lot of tears, too.

When I got home we decorated for Christmas.
Later, I got to help my grandma and grandpa decorate their tree, too.

La Grande is starting to grow on me.

My roomies are growing on me, too.

Anyway, that's the life update for now. Thanks for reading, I gotta go get ready for work :)

Thanks for reading!!

Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite


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