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dear love

Dear Love, Thank you for existing.

Dear Valentines Day, Thank you for giving up a whole day in which, no matter what our situation is, we are forced to contemplate love. Thank you for being a day. Thank you for all the flowers and chocolates and dinner dates that you suddenly rocket into importance.

Dear God, Love is the deciding factor to everything you do. I appreciate all the people who were tools in your hands that taught me that.

Dear Single People, Last year I saw so many posts on social media about the devils day that was valentines day, a day to make people lacking a significant other bad. This year wasn't as bad, but I still saw many posts. Please know, you are loved. Even if you don't think that statement is true. There are many people out there who have an overwhelming love for humanity as a whole, and you are included in that. Let other people celebrate their love ones. Celebrate yourself next year, tomorrow, the next day, forever. Love life. Love people you've never met. Love the smell of a candle and the clicking noise of a keyboard. Just love.

Dear people in relationships, know there are some out there who aren't as lucky as you. Remember them and love them, too. Don't neglect them or neglect your significant other the remaining days of the year. Always love.

Dear Mom, thank you for always making Valentines day about family, and about love of everyone. Thank you for the cheesy baskets of candy, the take out Chinese food, the paper hearts, the heart filled paper plates. Thanks for being my #1 example of love. Every time when I say "I love you more", I mean it, but every time you tell me "mom's love their babies most", I feel it. Thank you for your example, your hugs, your advice, the millions of times you made me laugh.

Dear Dad, You were the first man I ever fell in love with. You were the man who showed me how to be loved, how I shouldn't just build people up, that I should be built in return. Thank you for every time you made me feel important, every time you read my writing, every time you told me a history fact, every time you took me to a movie or texted me a selfie and said "just in case you forgot what I looked like". I am so lucky to have you.

Dear siblings, step parents, extended family, I LOVE YOU.

Dear friends, you guys were the family I got to choose, the people who shaped me to be who I am. You taught me lessons, were my shoulders to cry on. Thank you for the love you brought to my life when I needed it the most.

Dear history teachers, you were the main reasons I sit today, in La Grande on a school night, majoring in history. You fueled my love of people, or their nature and of everything they are.

Dear Oregon, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You're beautiful, you're 158 (158? Yeah? Something like that), and you're my home state. I've moved so much that people often ask me, especially in college "where are you from?" and I have so many "hometowns" I never know what to say. I've found comfort in saying "Oregon" and joy in saying "all over Oregon, and kinda in Idaho, too."

Dear, well, everyone, thank you for reading this short little post!! :)) I LOVE YA FOR IT

Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite


  1. Dear Ella, thank you for being you. You are so easy to love because you radiate love out to everyone, which is evidenced by the many friends you have from every place you have lived. Who wouldn't love Ella? (just in case you don't remember, you used to say that about me when I was single:). I love you!

  2. I love you kris!!!!!! And I was right sooo ;)


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