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Dear, Thank you for being one of my favorite bloggers, one of my favorite speakers at rootstech, and most of all, thank you for giving me this cool idea for a new and fun way of blogging.

Dear Bon Iver Pandora station, Thank you for giving me calming background music while I write. It's getting those inspirational juices flowing.

Dear La Grande Young Single Adults Branch, Thank you for doing fun things, like making homemade doughnuts and homemade apple juice, and inviting me to join. Thank you for living your lives the way God want's you too, and for being oh so welcoming.

Dear homemade apple juice, You are oh so delicious. I'm never going back to store bought after having a taste of you.

Dear Walmart, You have the cutest sweaters for so cheap. Every college student appreciates it.

Dear College, Why are you so expensive?

Dear Lizzy and Lauren, I've really relied on you guys a lot lately, to talk me through everything. I appreciate you two for always being there. You both are beautiful inside and out and I love speaking to you everyday, on text or facetime or skype.

Dear other friends, You are appreciated, too. Especially the random comments and texts. They make my day.

Dear loneliness, You can go away now. I have too much to be grateful for to have you looming over my shoulder.

Dear family,  I have never felt so grateful for you all as I do at this point in my life.

Dear Tazzy, I know you're leaving to South Korea today. Know I'm proud of you and love you. I know that missions are hard, but you're such a tough kid and so determined, I know you'll do great. I'm so excited for all the people you will teach. So many people will come to Christ because of your teachings. I'll email as much as possible, and pray for you every night.

Dear sleep, I really love you.

Dear Moxon, I love you, too, even when you wake me up every morning by licking my face. It makes me feel loved. I love you, even when you get our black hair all over my bed.

Dear Trains that go by my house, You're really cool. I like listening to you, but you make it hard to sleep sometimes. Especially to sleep in.

Dear computer, You were a good present.

Dear scriptures, As hard as you are to understand sometimes, you've been a great companion the last week or so.

Dear Trampis, Thanks for not hating rooming with me, even when I facetime my friends for hours, or blast music while I shower when you are trying to sleep. Also, thanks for being fairly clean and thank you for watching movies with me and not judging me for how much popcorn I eat. And thanks for being silly and having my same since of humor. It's fun laughing all the time.

Dear Blog, You are an awesome way to get all my writing energy out. I love you!!!!

Dear readers,  I think you know what I'm going to say. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed my little experiment today ;)

Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite


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Just a few thoughts