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Life Update :)

Currently: Watching bones at 10:46 on a Friday night, with a cute little guard dog sleeping next to me on the couch. Home alone? My advice would be to NOT watch Bones.. Although a fabulous show, it's not good to have serial killers on the brain at this time of night.

Last weekend I was in Rigby, Idaho, and the weekend before that I was back in Forest Grove for a quick trip :) So here's my quick recap:

Two weekends ago, Friday after school, I started my 5 hour drive back home, to Forest Grove.
The car ride was long (as you can imagine) and I started to go crazy about two hours in. Naturally. BUT I finally got there around 8 at night and after hugging my babies and talking with my mom for a little bit, I crashed.

The next day I woke up and showered and went shopping with Mom and Lilli. After that, we all headed to the movie "Storks" SO CUTE.

(I love my crazy family)

After the movie (or was it before? It's been a while guys) we made Popcorn, Cinnamon Rolls and watched "The Prince of Egypt". Just so you guys know, Moses is my main man, and that movie is one of my favorites.

I'm a really cool, and demonic looking, caramel popcorn maker.
That night I went to a YSA dance!!!!! And got to see lots of friends!!!! YAY!!

Oh, did I not mention this dance was star wars themed? Well, it was. And it was awesome. Next time I'll see all these ladies will be in November for Kenzie's bridal shower AND THEN Kenzie's wedding. Man, I still can't get over how crazy that sounds.
I was privileged enough to go to church with all of them the next day, which was fun, and then I was headed back home. :)

The next week was full of the usual, school. I have started taking piano lessons from my grandma which has been kinda fun :)

Then I was off in the car once again but this time I was off to Idaho.

The trip started on Thursday afternoon after school, and after a quick homework session, I headed to Boise. I stopped in Ontario, the town I lived in from kindergarten-4th grade, to eat at my favorite place to eat (if any of you ever drive through Ontario, Oregon, PLEASE stop at Taco Mi Ranchitos). I got into Boise around 8:45 and got to spend time with my aunt and baby cousin until it was bed time, which ended up being 11 or so.

The next morning I was up at 5:30, tired as heck, and ready to drive 5 some hours. With the help of a Monster, of course.

And although I hate mornings and love sleep, I love driving while the sun is coming up. Not really sure how these things mix in my heart, but I seriously love them!! It's so beautiful. Blasting music, watching God's BEAUTIFUL creations unfold before my eyes, it's just mind-blowing.

After learning how to pump my own gas, and accidently wasting a half hour of my life by going in the wrong direction on the freeway (curses, I'm still mad at myself!!) I FINALLY got to Rexburg around 11:45 and hung out with my two bffs :)

Quick rundown on what we did:
-Shopped in Idaho Falls
-Hung with my step mama (Lauren AND Lizzy both loved her, yay!!)

Then Lauren had to go help set up for a dance sooooo Lizzy and I both went to my dad's football game, which Rigby High School won, by the way!! It was fun seeing my dad on the field again :) It's been almost 4 years since that's happened.

And yes, it was cold.

And after that, Lizzy and I were off to a BYU-I for a parrrrtttttaaaayyyyy.

I'm not even gonna lie, it was intense.

The next day was family day, which consisted of watching a movie ("Deepwater Horizon" was awesome) and playing phase 10 with my grandparents, sister, dad, stepmom, and sister's friends. We also had caramel popcorn. It was the bomb.

I did get a little time to see my childhood bff Maren, and Lauren again, both were good talks. Good talks with friends heal my heart.

(She's a cutie. My friends are cuties for reals.)

I got a lot of sleep that night FINALLY and slept in a little that morning and then got up and drove SO MUCH. :( But in Glen's Ferry, in the middle of no where in Idaho, I met up with a friend...

Everyone, this is Whitney. I love her.
Don't judge us, we were road tripping.

BUT GAH YOU GUYS!!!!!!! Friendships are awesome. Sunrises are awesome. Family is awesome. Driving (in small increments) is awesome. And as my Uncle Reid would say, "Life is Good"!!!!

So, what's been happening since then?

Pumpkin carving. (Name the two fictional characters and you'll be my new best friend)


Hanging out with Moxon, A LOT. This dog is basically my best friend, you guys, and every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we head off to Grandma's so he can get all his running energy out. The second picture is a picture from today after. He was sooooo tired and cute.

So there's my quick update :)) YOU GUYSSSSSS, thank you so much for reading again... It means soooooooo much.

Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite


  1. Busy with all those trips! But busy is fun, and part of what college is all about!


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