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Hey everyone ;)

Well, wow! It's been a while since I've written on this blog. Don't worry, though, I'm back ;)

These last few weeks have been absolutely insane! I've been SO busy! And now look at me, a college student sitting on my bed in my brother and I's house (okay, to be fair, we didn't buy it so it's not technically ours, but still) with my brothers dog at the foot of my bed, homework calling to me to finish it from my backpack in my closet (a very very full closet, by the way) and the sound of football coming from the TV in the living room. Yup... This is my life lately.

Last time I did a catch up, I was barely bringing my stuff down to La Grande on the first weekend in September! So before the formal room tour, the likes and dislikes of my first week of college, and the deep talks about life, let me catch you up ;) With pictures and few comments.

On August 30th, Lillian started FIRST GRADE!! It was... crazy. I can't believe she's already 6, so so smart, and loving school. I probably annoyed her too much by reminiscing about the morning she was born when I first saw her. It seems like yesterday. I can't believe my best friend is growing up so fast. Can't she stay a chubby baby forever? Gosh, I'm such a mom.
Kellen started first grade a few weeks later, and it rocking it. He has the funniest sense of humor and he's my favorite person to fight with for sure.

September 3rd, my family brought the first load of my stuff down to La Grande, and of course we had to come for Trampis's game as well. We're always supporting footall, my family.

September 6th I spent the night at Lauren's house and said goodbye to her the next morning (sorry for the random picture, it's just so cute). It was tough and I still hate it!! I miss my bff. But it's okay, facetime and constant texting makes it so much easier and I can tell you that she's TOTALLY kicking butt at BYU-I.

I decided to clump all of these photos together because they have the same subject, even though they weren't taken on the same day.
Over the last few weeks I spent a lot of time with Zakk. Doing everything from going to the temple, going to dinner, movies, the beach, watching all 7 Harry Potter movies, binge watching Stanger Things, eating ice cream, shopping for his missionary stuff, and watching lotsssss of movies and Netflix. Let's just say I have a great time with him everytime. I value our relationship and I hope we stay this close for a long time. Also, he's going to kick butt in Puerto Rico when he leaves in November.

My step uncle was in town on the Sunday before I came to school, so we had a family dinner at my step grandma's house. It was pretty awesome :) It wasn't everyone, but it was a blast. I'm lucky to have not one, but two step families that welcomed me in with open arms and make me feel as if I've known them my whole life. The Larkin clan does this for sure, and I love them all :)

(Some things that happened that I didn't take a picture to post with are hiking with Ariel, making blankets with Caden, and going to top golf... all SO FUN)

The weekend Mom and Tim brought me to Eastern was a weekend of another football game. Unfortunately Trampis wasn't able to suit up for this one, because of the seriousness of his back injuries. On the bright side, his coach offered him a coaching job on the team and is letting his keep his scholarship! He's so official, going to all the coaching meetings and wearing the headset out on the field. My Grandma and Grandpa Smith were able to make it down to La Grande to support coach Waite 2.0 :)

Mom reminded me on the drive down that 26 years ago, her parents drove her to La Grande to drop her off for college, too. It was nice having the family here for the weekend to help me and Tramp get everything situated. They do so much for us and I'm really grateful.

It hit me when they drove away, without me, back to Forest Grove. I've mentioned it in another post, but I'm no stranger to moving. This time was different, though, which is not a bad thing, but I didn't realize how different it was going to be when I signed up for this whole college thing.

I love it, though, honestly. My classes are going great, my room is my heaven, my roomates are okay (I guess haha) and I have so much love being shown for me from my family here, my family in Forest Grove, my family in Rigby, and my friends that are now scattered across the world.

It took a little whle, but my brother's dog (Moxon) warmed up to me finally! As I said at the beginning of this post, he was sitting at the foot of my bed and hasn't moved. Every morning when Trampis wakes up and lets him out, he runs straight into my room to say hi and to wake me up. It's... nice hahaha. Only because it makes me feel loved!

We bought some cute lights for my graduation party and I decided to be cute nad hang them up here. Also, my bed is high, so we put baskets under it to hold some of my many many clothes. It's super nice.

My awesome map, of course, that my madre bought me when we moved to Forest Grove. And the newest addition to my belongings, my dresser. I asked my grandpa to make me one around Christmas time, and he finally did!! He signed the inside of it, making it that much more special to me.

I'm a huge picture person. And I like my room to be all cute and matchy, so I printed out some pictures of some of my favorite people to keep me smiling while I'm here away from all of them :) I'm so blessed with friends that are literally angels sent down to bless my life.

My desk :) I have a picture of one of my favorite people there, too, and the COOLEST poster of Grand Central Station in 1939 that I got when I was in middle school. It's still awesome to me.

Here's my little make up area with my cute little grey rug. And, a mirror selfie. You're welcome.

College is going great and I'm so lucky to be able to get a higher education and to pursue my dream of becoming a Histroy teacher (and writer).

Another thing that happened in the month of Septmeber is that I went to dinner with my friend, Brittany. I wore my Roseburg Strong shirt to dinner, just because it's one of my favorites and I got so many compliments! The guy at dutch bros, and at dinner, both expressed how cool it was in a very sweet and sincere way. I don't know why, but it touched my heart. Here are people I don't know, who may or may not have ever gone to Roseburg, caring. And here I am, someone who only lived in Roseburg for 6 years, caring. I didn't know of the victums really well, which makes me sad, but I know the town. And to think something so tragic happened to a town that shaped me into the person I am today, hit me hard. Especially today, exactly a year after it happened. I know everyone mourns these things in their own way, and maybe I feel this too much, but it reminds me to be really grateful for life. For everyone in mine. For the knowledge that I have about the afterlife and the testimony that all of the victums are in a better place. It reminds me to be kind to everyone, to love. The world is in a tragic state right now, but I have faith. And I'm grateful for that, too.
Roseburg will always be a home to me.

And now, La Grande has been added on the list to the many places I refer to as home (Pendleton, Ontario, Myrtle Creek, Roseburg, Forest Grove, La Grande).

I'm blessed. I'm happy. I'm excited for the adventures that this year will bring.

Thank you, whoever you are, for reading this blog and for caring about me. It means more to me than I'll ever me able to express.

Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite


  1. Love your new college house! Hope you enjoy college. Believe it or not it will go by quickly and you will look back at times and wish you were still there!


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