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Favorite People

I've been having this itch, where I just wanted to blog, and this has been happening for DAYS. So what is a girl to do when she doesn't know what to write about but wants to write? The answer lies within a teaching tactic that we all wish teachers let us do more: phone a friend. 

This friend happened to be one of my favorite people in the world, and she's pretty smart to say the least. She told me I should blog about us. So here I am, sitting on my bed, my window open so I can feel the nice day's breeze (you have to soak these days in, they come very rarely here in the Portland area), listening to Queen (I've been obsessed lately) and writing about Cynjyn and I. 

This is Cynjyn and I met Cynjyn when she was born. Partly that's because our parents were good friends (LOL I'm hilarious. You guys should know, if you follow me on social media, that she's my cousin. Her mom is my dad's sister). And partly because we're soul sisters and our souls are drawn to each other. 

You know those people you meet that you're just like we are totally meant for each other? Not even in the romantic way, but in the way of caring about each other, being around each other, and learning from each other. That's what Cynjyn is to me.

 We've been best friends since the day she was born, literally. I think I was, what, almost 3 years old? There's this famous story that goes around in our family. It kinda goes like this: Cynjyn's older brother, Taz, was born 6 months after me. His birthday is in August. Since birth Taz and I were meant to be best friends and we were! We were inseparable! Attach at the hip almost literally. Until Cynjyn was born. Taz exaggerates it and makes it look way worse than it was. In his mind I totally ditched him for the new cute baby but I'm sure I offered for him to comb her hair and dress her up with me! Haha! Anyway, Taz need's to chill on the story of my evilness and ditching ways, because in reality, all three of us are best friends. They have such a cute brother-sister relationship and when we all get together we are hanging out non-stop. Playing games (Harry Potter), video games (Mario Party), watching movies (Spartacus), choreographing dances and fashion shows (yeah, we did this) and on and on goes the list of things the three of us do together. 

AND GUESS WHAT?! I get to see both of them at the end of April! For their older brother, Talon's, wedding! It'll be great and I feel like I might explode at any moment thinking about how excited I am. 

So you could say I'm a little excited.

This was a random little post, hope you enjoyed it in some way hahaha 

Signing off until next time, 


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