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Well, hello again! (hello, it's me, I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet...)

ANYWAY, It's been a while since I've posted, but I'm trying to be obedient to my goal that I set at Roots tech: post a blog post at least once a month. It seems kinda silly to me, now that I'm actually doing this, because the whole reason I wanted to start a blog was for future generations, friends, family, and everyone who cares to pull inspiration from my life and put it to use in theirs. At least that's the hope. It's silly because I already have a  journal (one that I share on a google docs page with one of my best friends), social media, and my writing to let people get to know me. Why blog?  Well, blogging is more than having a journal that anyone can read, in my eyes. I write many more personal things in my journal that I want my kids to know about me, but as for the whole world, I have a blog. It's kinda like I have my own personal advice column in some newspaper no one reads (lol) but since one of my many options of future career paths is being a journalist, a blog seemed like a right fit. 

What have I been up to lately? Well, good question. A lot has happened since that Seattle trip I mentioned in my last post. 

I turned the big 1-8

(That's me, by the way) 
The week prior to turning 18, I began to list everything that 18 year olds can do that 17 and younger can't. My friends and family probably got annoyed by my listing all my new freedoms multiple times but that's alright. Here's the list my friends and I came up with: 
1) I can vote. Obviously this is a big one, especially since I find politics super interesting. 
2) I can adopt a child. (My mom has reminded me multiple times that I will not be doing this any time soon.
3) I can go to war and serve my country.
4) I can order things off TV.
5) I can buy cigarettes. (Don't worry, mom, I won't be doing this!)
6) I can sign medical forms without a parent.
7) I can be tried as an adult and throw in prison. (whoop whoop)
8) I can get a tattoo. (Not going to do this either... I would not be able to deal with the pain)
9) I can buy a lottery ticket and win the lottery.
10) I can buy a house. (To bad I don't have any money)
11) Change my name. (Good thing I like my name)
12) Sue someone. 
13) Get married.
14) Book a hotel room. 

Well, that's about all I came up with, but I'm sure there are more. 

After I turned 18, I took a trip down to Roseburg! (Since, yanno, I lived there for almost 6 years) To see all my friends and to support to of my best friends in the school musical that they were in! 
Here are some pictures: 

The last two pictures are some of my favorite moments. Keep in mind, the last time I visited Roseburg was in August, so it's been a long time since I've seen Lizzy (the beautiful mermaid) or Dallin (Eric) who are two of my favorite people in the world! After the musical I went up behind Lizzy and she gave me this huge hug and whispered in my ear, "Hi, I have to stay in character for the little girls" and when she pulled away she exclaimed something about me being pretty. I hadn't even noticed the ton's of little girls gathered around Lizzy and the other girls who played the Mer-sisters. But after that I did, and I got to watch my best friend talk to the little girls about how they wanted to be mermaids and how they had always wanted to meet one. It was so cute I practically died. After that I went to get a picture with Dallin, and just as we were taking one, a group of little kid walked my, fascinated my Dal. They just kept staring at us with this little smile on their face and Dallin asked them if they wanted a picture and started talking to them and again, I died. One of the reasons I love books, movies, TV shows, musicals, plays, and music is the joy it brings to other people and the world it takes you to, and that night was my feelings personified. 

I had an awesome time, no matter how short. 

Since Roseburg, I've been kinda hanging out. Trampis's girlfriend Jess was baptized, so we went to La grande to support her in that awesome decision. I was able to spend time with my grandparents in that trip as well. 

Here are other little things that happened since the Seattle trip, and pictures to prove it (Cause if there's no picture, it didn't happen, obviously)

I got to support the Banks girls basketball team in the play-offs with two amazing gals. 

I attended a church dance with some other amazing gals. 

And church with them the next day...

My amazing little sister turned 6, and I still can't believe it! She's the sassiest, cutest, smartest, funnest 6 year-old I've ever met! Oh, and she's my best friend. 

I got to conduct and participate in an activity that our church puts on for all the 12 year old's coming into the Young Women's program each year. Our theme was "press forward" so we "pressed forward" via airplane and dressed as flight attendants and did all the activities accordingly. Me and the three girls in the above picture are the leaders of the girls that are 16-18. We and all the rest of the 16-18 year old girls planned the whole evening and it went so well. I'm so proud of everyone. And also really really sad to see Rachel (far left) go on to Relief Society (the program in our church for all the women 18 and up). I'm an old dog and decided to stay until I graduate, but she's moving on to bigger and better things I guess and I'm gonna miss her, even though she'll be right down the hall every Sunday. I really love these girls. 

And finally, as I sit writing this, I'm occupying the whole couch at my dad's house! It was a whirl wind of planning to get me here, but I'm glad we got it all worked out because I love visiting my dad, Step mom, step brothers and step sister and step brother-in-law (that was a mouthful, but they're worth it). The week is almost up for my visit (I leave tomorrow) and I've had such a fun time. We went golfing, and to West Yellowstone (in the picture above) and shot guns, and saw Bears and Wolves at this cool Bear and Wolf place. Jess got to stay with us until Tuesday so that was fun. While I've been here I've also finished a book ("1984" by George Orwell), started a new book that I hope to finish tonight ("The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath), watched multiple movies ("Daddy's home", "Trumbo", "The Big Short", "Room", "Crimson Peak", "Race", "Star Wars" for the second time, and "The Boy"), and so much more. It's been an eventful week! 

Alright, thanks for tuning in for this long post. I'm sorry I've had them super long for the past couple posts, I just get so behind! Thanks for reading, as well, it means so much to me. 

There ya go, the crazy eventful life of me! 

Hope to write soon.

Signing off until next time, 
E. F. Waite


  1. You could add go to relief society to your list of things 18 year olds can do;). Love the updates!


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