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dear thanksgiving

Dear Thanksgiving, you're a fabulous holiday. All about love, and family, and being thankful. The food is a nice touch, too. I'm sorry most people would skip you if it meant having Christmas come sooner. But Christmas is pretty awesome, too. Anyway, I do love this holiday.

Dear family, man, I love you guys!! You are a crazy bunch for sure, but I couldn't be more thankful for each and every one of you and our relationship.

Dear step family, I shouldn't even put you in your own category, because you guys are as much family to me as the ones who are related by blood. I'm grateful that all of you have accepted me into your hearts and your close family circles.

Dear friends, as a whole, you guys are one diverse group, and I couldn't be happier with all the relationships I've gained over the years. You guys light my life. You help me when I'm down. And although we will most likely go on different paths at some point in our lives, I won't forget you or our memories. You, beautiful people, have taught me so much.

Dear Elder Goon, happy thanksgiving. I miss you. I love you. I enjoy reading your weekly emails and reading about how much you've grown in the last month or so. Thank you for the encouragement.

Dear Elder Johnson, thank you for your friendship. Four years later and I still tell you everything. Thank you for being my cheer leaders, for answering my constant flow of church related questions, for loving me even with knowing all of my flaws. Thank you for the pictures of true authentic Italian pizza.

Dear Elder Waters, it's funny that we've only had one conversation in person, and that conversation was about the homework in film studies. I'm glad Evan gave me your email. I'm glad we've become good friends.

Dear Elder Saulls, you're awesome. Your enthusiasm about the gospel makes me smile.

Dear new sweater and new socks, you guys are so comfortable. And so perfect for my thanksgiving outfit.

Dear audiobooks, man, you're my new favorite thing.

Dear "Wrong Side of Goodbye", you're written by one of my favorite authors and one that I have met. You are genius. Harry Bosch is one of my favorite characters on the earth. Thank you for being recorded by none other than Titus Welliver. Thank you for being such a compelling book and for keeping me company on my five hour drive yesterday (and this morning when I was doing my make up).

Dear car, thank you for being oh so reliable. Thank you for getting me safely to Forest Grove on Wednesday.

Dear homework, I really really don't wanna do you. Can you just like... not be a thing? I'm trying to get my vaca on!!

Dear phone, I'm grateful for you mostly because I'm grateful I get to talk to people that seem like they are worlds away, within seconds. It's the bomb.

Dear readers, thank you for reading. Like for reals. Thank you.

Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite


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