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Roseburg, Oregon


I hope this new post finds you happy and healthy, luckily that's where I am right now.

Obviously the title of the post gives you an idea of what I'm going to rant about today. Roseburg, Oregon, and all my crazy experiences and all my memories and my thoughts about moving.

Yesterday, Saturday, I got up at 5:40 and left my house at 6:20 to be at work at 7:00 at the Beaverton Farmers market. Work was crazy since our manager was gone in central Oregon. The owner of the farm was actually our manager for the day which was kinda cool and stressful. I got off work around 11, and from there got changed at a Burger King and headed down south.

I stopped in Eugene to see my bff and to meet her boyfriend. We walked around the mall trying to find frozen yogurt for about an hour! It was pretty funny since the place the GPS was telling us to go to didn't exist. We ended up drinking milkshakes at Carls Jr. :)

I then headed down to Roseburg. I went to my bff Lizzy's house and we sat and talked and got a new story idea. Lizzy and I's relationship is hilarious because we're either analyzing our friends or brainstorming a new story idea. We brainstormed all through dinner at Red Robin (where I saw like 20 people I knew but, of course, didn't exchange a word) and during our walk at the park.  

After dinner, I went to a movie with my sisters. We saw "Nerve" which was actually pretty bomb.

((You can't go to the Roseburg Movie theater without taking pictures in the photo booth))

The next day I went to breakfast with Coulsen at bagel tree and had him help me with some car issues and then went to church to see everyone.

Then... I left. Yeah!! It was an insanely quick trip, and it's only 7:30 and I've been home for two hours. That's how quick it was. I was in Roseburg for less than 24 hours!

I was telling my mom when I got home that I barely saw some people for five minutes and it honestly made my whole... month! I love these people!

I was thinking while I was driving home, that even though I like to pretend it doesn't, Roseburg means so much to me. I spent 6 years there, and had so many things happen.

To name a few:

My parents got a divorce there.

My mom got remarried and I got three step sisters there.

Two of my siblings were born in the hospital.

I FINALLY got my license after months of stress at that DMV.

I met people who would become my closest friends. Some of those people went on to break my heart and some still stand by me to this day.

I participated in two musicals there.

I was forced out of my comfort zone in countless classes at the high school.

I had my first Dutch bros (lol) in Roseburg.

I fell in love. In little freshman ella's version of love.

I met incredible women at my church who seriously shaped who I am today.

I went on my first Trek, one of the best weeks of my life.

Yes, that's to name only a few of the big things that happened to me while I was living there. And it's strange, because I figured, you know, that's just life. Things happen in places. I never thought I would move away and then go back to visit and be flooded with memories on every corner. It's so funny how I still know where everything is, and a part of me still feels like I belong there. Like Roseburg is my home.

And during my 3 some hour drive back to Forest Grove today, I realized that Roseburg, the town, isn't what makes me feel like I'm home. It's the people who do. And the memories that come along with the places.

And then, on the other hand, I moved away two years ago and everything (while it all looks the same) is so different. A big part of me goes back, and feels so out of place. It's like I'm this little tiny creature carrying around a shell that looks like my shell, and it is my shell, but it doesn't quite feel right (dang, Ella, that was deep). It almost feels like this huge weight on my shoulders that consists of all the memories and all of the anger and all the happiness and every feeling I ever felt while living in roseburg. It's an insane experience.

And yet, I continue to go back. Why? Because I love the people there. I even love those people that I used to be close to but now avoid me when I come visit because they feel awkward. I even love those people I used to dislike when I lived there. I just love... people. Roseburg's people.

And the super awesome thing about moving is the people you meet. If my family hadn't moved from Ontario to Roseburg, I would never had met the people I did.

And that's why I'm happy I moved away. Yeah, sometimes I still feel a little homesick for that place and those people, but I wouldn't change my experience in Forest Grove and all the people I've met here for anything. They've changed my life, too.

I suspect I'll move a lot in my life. That way of living is not for everyone, but for me, it's so much apart of who I am. Moving around every few years is how I've spent my whole life and if I hadn't spent it like that, I wouldn't love half as many people as I love today because I wouldn't have met them.

Whoa. That was deep and sappy and I probably repeated myself a lot. But I'm just so overwhelmed with happiness that I even had the chance to be there for this weekend, and to live there for 6 years.

Roseburg will always be a home to me.

Thank you so much for reading again!!!! I love you, whoever you are, because if you haven't noticed, I love love ;)) And everyone. Literally.

Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite


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