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Catching up pt. 2 :))

GEEZ LOUISE. It's been such a long time I posted until just now when I posted pt. 1 of this super long catching up post BUT I had to do it cause there is so much to say, so much I want to say, but I want to talk about what's been happening in my life first!!

So here we go! If you read my last post, you know that my friend coulsen came to visit. After that, all this craziness happened:

I had dinner with some really really awesome homies.

My mom and Tim got sealed in the temple for all time and eternity and two of my sisters were able to be with us on that day. It was awesome!! For the first time in over a year, we had MOST of the family together (we were still missing Trampis and Kenna for work reasons). It was still a great day.

My super awesome cousin, Taz, got his mission call to SOUTH KOREA!! I was able to watch him open and read it on facetime. I'd never seen a mission call opened in real time like that, so it was quite to experience for me to hear all his friends and family cheer when we heard where he'd be serving the Lord for two years.

 Speaking of missionaries, my best friend Spencer is emailing me pictures of yummy looking Italian food and he's loving Italy.
 We all decided we needed to visit grandpa for a few days and we were able to go to my cousins birthday party. I love my grandpa!!

On the way back, our family hit up the Alpine slide on Mt. Hood to see what all the fuss was about. It. Was. Awesome. We all enjoyed it A LOT, and loved the shaved ice afterward. We took two cars so mom and I got to hang for a few hours in a car by ourselves and talk. We loved that, especially since I'll be going to college soon and that time together will become more rare (with the same amount of fun).

The night I got back from Grandpas I went to the fair with two of my good friends, and met up with more friends. I only rode two rides, but I did get to eat ice cream, walk around, see the animals, and hang out with people I haven't seen since school ended. It was a super fun night.

The day after the fair, I went to a Young Single Adults dance put on by our church. Evan and I carpooled there and were harassed by the camera guy until we FINALLY agreed to take a picture. I met a lot of new friends, got to hang out with old friends, and did a lot of dancing that night.

Sunday was the release of "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child". Tim and mom went to the book store that morning and picked it up for me, and I finished it on Monday. I've been telling everyone this, but it was better than I could have possibly imagined. I am absolutely in love. BUT of course I wish it was an actual book and not a script of a play, but I'll take what I can get because the Harry Potter story continuing makes me outrageously happy. I wore my Harry potter shirt after church to celebrate, of course.

Monday was work, Tuesday was work and going to Cold Stone and shopping with my friend Logan, yesterday was getting the shots I needed for college and babysitting and watching a movie with Caden.

Today, since my mom and Tim are down in Eugene for a conference, it's just me and the kids until tomorrow morning. It's only 1:25, and we've already ate breakfast and lunch, went to swim lessons, and now we're getting ready to go to the Library and park, so I should go!!

Hope this wasn't too boring. :)) I'll be back with my crazy insane brain and thoughts later :)

Thanks so much for reading, it's amazing how much love I feel when someone says "I read your blog". I love you all!!

Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite


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