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Life lately

Hey, again!! It's been a while since I've last wrote on this blog, and I'll explain why in a bit :)

(Side note: I'm watching friends while I write this because I finished the 12th season of Grey's Anatomy... That's Important cause they are fabulous shows so if you haven't WATCH THEM)

ANYWAY, hey!! Life has been swell lately. Mostly, it's been filled with work. But, of course, there has been some fun mixed in there.

Here's some selfies in my work attire. It's pretty flattering, obviously.
The first few days of work were pretty crazy. I work for Unger farms, in farmers markets every Saturday and in their farm store (that is on their farm) 4-5 times a week. At the farmers market we have to set up booths and I'm running around most of the morning. It's pretty insane.
At the farm store we do all kinds of stuff. I work the counter, I make the food (waffles, sandwiches, crepes, drinks, salads, etc.), I stock the berry produce case, I clean the store, I also do some yard work outside once in a while. Usually its me and three or four other girls (who are all awesome) and my boss is awesome as well.

Between work, I've had a lot of family adventures lately!!!

Mom, Tim, the kids and I went on a craigslist run to sell something and we found this awesome bridge. Sooooo we had to hang out for a bit and have a family adventure.

A while later...

Mom, the kids and I went to Woodburn outlet mall a while back and because the kids were so good, they got a little something too. They were so excited!! And their excitement was adorable. Especially since I got to help Kellen pick his out.

Father's day happened and I had fun looking through all of my old pictures looking for some cute ones of my dad and I and remembering a bunch of good times. These are some of my favorites. I apologize for the low quality.

(I'm not sure why the last one is sideways... Anyways...)

We're pretty cute :) I love him a lot and he's an amazing father.

To celebrate fathers day for Tim, we headed to Seaside with all three of his daughters (my amazing and beautiful sisters) and Lillian and Kellen and mom.

The girls had to leave that evening after dinner but the rest of us stayed the night. It was pretty awesome. The kids and I rented "Guardian's of the Galaxy" and ate popcorn and candy and had a sleepover.

Sunday I went to church with Mckenzie and Evan!! It was so fun, expecially since I haven't seen Evan in more than a year. We went to his friends Farewell talk at church, but the best part was the 45 minute drive there and back when we rocked out and talked about life.

(This is my favorite skirt and I liked my outfit so it called for a mirror selfie)

Last night was a girls night. It was so much fun. Lauren, Kenzie and I decided to get dressed up and I introduced them to my favorite restaurant, Gustavs. It is filled with fondue and fun (and lots of yummy food that I got to take as leftovers for my lunch today at work YAY). We got to talking about everything under the sun. During that talk, we decided that we would plan on doing this as much as possible before we all went to college and then when we came to visit we'd go there again. It was so incredibly fun. I love these ladies. I feel so grateful to have met them.
Here's some pictures:

It was so much fun I can't even tell you. I think dressing up and going to dinner is one of the most fun things to do, especially in Portland, when we have a TON of awesome food places. German food? Yes.

What's up next in my life? WELL, Thursday is my last day at the Farm store and then I have Saturday at the market. Saturday night Jess and Trampis will here and then Monday morning we're OFF TO LA!!!!! YAYYYYYYYY. The next week, I'm off to Trek. YES. I'm excited about that, too.

After Trek, I'm off to La Grande to REGISTER FOR COLLEGE AHHHHHH.

So, obviously, lots of fun stuff is coming up and I'm so excited about it all.

Thanks for reading, again. Even though this was me just relaying my life to you.... again.

Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite


  1. Had to re-read the beginning because I thought you found the bridge on Craigslist and I was wondering why there would be a bridge on craigslist😂😂😂. Now I want to try that restaurant!


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