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Guess what?!

If you guessed that a while back I graduated from High School then you guessed correctly!! I'm GRADUATED! Which is extremely weird when I think about it, but I kinda already touched on that in my last blog post about my last day of school (which also hasn't quite set in yet).

 That Thursday was graduation practice, which went well. But of course it wasn't anything too exciting, and it was mostly full of anxious teenagers who couldn't wait to be done (so, of course, lots of jokes were to be expected).

Friday was awesome. My best friend, who used to live in Roseburg with me but now lives in Eugene, came up and spent all day with me! It was mostly full of errands, but it was super fun.

Graduation was at 7, and it was a super short and sweet ceremony. I loved it! Unfortunately, some of my family was held up in traffic because of a bad oil spill thingy or something. But, luckily, most everyone made it.

((Just a couple of the pictures taken. Yes, that is just a couple))

It was pretty insane. The whole time, Lauren kept looking at me and whispering "El, we're graduaing." I was just so happy that everyone was there to support and I was so happy that I was finally done, after feeling like I was never going to get there (just because the slow moving time, not the bad grades lol). Also, I was so incredibly thankful for my transfer to Banks.

That night was our all night grad party. It started with us turning all, and I mean all, our personal belongings in to the staff. We snapped a quick picture in our matching shirts before our phones were held in captivity.

For our party we took a bus, and then a train, to somewhere around Tillamook. It was a kinda of summer camp where we could win prizes and money and play poker, blackjack, and laser tag. After like... 3 am, we went to the beach and had a bonfire, with sparklers and glow sticks and s'mores. Besides the mass amount of sand bugs that were bigger than my face It was an awesome night!!

I got home at 6am, and had my grad party at 10am! Which actually turned out awesome.  

From there it was on to Roseburg!

We were only there for about two nights, but it was so fun to watch all my friends graduate. Also, my best friend from kindergarten-4th grade happened to be in Roseburg watching her boyfriends cousin graduate, so she sat with us. The night of Graduation was Lizzy's grad party, which was really fun. I loved seeing everyone, and I always love visiting. The only downside is it always makes me a little sad I didn't end High School with my best friends, who started it with me. But nonetheless, life goes on and I'm overall grateful for the way it played out.

Since graduation, there's been lots and LOTS of work for me. I no longer spend most of my time at the farmers markets at my job, but am now at the farm store 4-5 days a week and at the farmers market on Saturdays only. I continue to love it, although it is work, and everyone has been so nice in training me!

Other than that, I've had fun spending time with friends when I'm not working. I went to the YSA branch in our stake for the first time yesterday, which was actually enjoyable. I really love it here.

I'm sorry for yet another blog post just full of updates! I wish I could have more blog posts about thoughts of mine, and passions, but I'm sure that will come later in the summer when I have nothing except work going on ;)

So, there you have it, a summer of work and hanging out with friends before I venture to EOU in the fall. Trampis and I are still searching for a house ((pray for us)). But I'm excited to register for classes soon and start packing my stuff for this new chapter in my life.

Thanks for reading, again. It means so much and I hope I continue to be slightly entertaining and not boring anyone to death ;)

Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite


  1. Graduation sounds wonderful! I really wish I could have been there! Darn oil train derailment! But anyway, I am So happy for you!


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