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Hello, again!!

I hope the time that took place since my last post has found you, the reader, well.

Even though I've been excited to blog for days, I didn't know what to say when I sat down to start typing! Where does a writer/blogger go when they are at a loss of words? The internet, of course. I looked up "blogging ideas" and so many awesome ideas came up! Here are just a few: write a short story, aspirations and dreams, top 10 best movies/ books/ songs according to me, bust a myth, write about what you regret, some of your favorite pictures, etc. (If anyone is dying for me to write about any of those, text me, tell me on social media, or comment on here!)

Surprisingly, the winner of the poll was "15 facts about me". A close second was "10 best movies/books/ tv shows" so I'll probably do that next time. 

Geez, 15 whole fun facts... bare with me here. 

1. I love to learn about War. For a while I seriously considered being a historian, and being a professional in the history of War. I feel like this is a weird/ random thing about me, because I'm such a happy person, you wouldn't think I would be so interested in something so terrible.

2. I can't stand cats.  Most people close to me know this, but usually people are surprised by this fact (until you hang out with me a lot because then you realize I'm obsessed with dogs). I just don't trust cats. hahaha I find them untrustworthy and unhappy little animals. It's also really funny because people will say "you don't like cats? But you'd love my cat!" and I honestly wanna be like "Is your cat a cat? Then chances are I won't like it." hahah (that sounded mean, I apologize to all the cat lovers out there). Oh, and plus cats hate me. I think they sense that I hate them so they automatically plan my death. 

(at this point in blogging, I couldn't think of anything and enlisted Lauren, and Lizzy to help me out. Annnnndddd I almost started crying because they both replied with this I never notice and they just know me so well and gah I love them.)

3. (this is something lauren said I should say) My hair is some scientific miracle. It doesn't get gross! I could literally go weeks without showering and it looks the same. Plus, it's super weird and fluffy and I straighten it of curl it everyday because its weird. 

4. (a recommendation from Lizzy, my love)  I shake my foot in order to fall asleep. I'm not sure when this started, but I've done it since I was little. Sometimes I rub my feet together or I'll rub my right foot against my blankets until I fall asleep. I know, I'm a weirdo.

5. I eat limes. Lizzy said this, and it's something most people know, so I almost didn't put it in. But when I tell people that they are so surprised and it makes me laugh. So here it is again, if you didn't know. 

6. I love Eastern Oregon. It has a part of my heart because I grew up there, but I oddly find it beautiful. SO don't talk bad about Eastern Oregon around me. I love it too dang much. 

7. I started writing when I was in third grade. Now this wasn't like for assignments in school, but like I started trying to write novels. My first story was called "Kraina" and it was about a girl with a poor family living in a mud hut.... third grade Ella was strange. I still write all the time and am hoping to get a book, or multiple, published in my life. 

8. I LOVE MOVIES!! Any movies, really. Superhero, dramas, books turned to movies, old movies, new movies, science fiction, action, documentaries, war movies, etc. The only movies I don't really like are comedies. 

9. This kinda goes with number 8, but my two favorite movies are Titanic and Forest Gump. 

10. I was a weird child. I believed Harry Potter was real, I was obsessed with the Titanic (the movie and ship), I used to dig holes in the dirt of my back yard telling people I was digging to China, I would destroy barbies (leave them in the road to watch them get run over), I wore my roller blades around the house for a solid year, and I hated when my mom tried to make me look cute. Hated it. 

11. I don't have very strong political opinions except about the death penalty.  I'm pretty good at understanding all sides of the argument, except when it comes to this

12. I hate fast food. I refuse to eat at any fast food restaurant other than Subway (does that count?) and Taco Bell.

13. I grew up watching my dad coach football and my brother play it (he still plays, actually) but I still don't have a very good idea of what the heck is going on!  My dad has also coached Baseball, Golf, Tennis, and Basketball. I know how to play all of those (and volleyball) but football has never stuck. Also, on the topic of sports, I strongly dislike soccer (sorry soccer lovers!!)

14. I think Ernest Hemingway is a literary genius. This my sound book snobbish, but for real! I love the way he rights, his simple words, his random dialogue, his intentional use of description and his intentional use of not describing anything at all. Usually when people think of Hemingway, they automatically group him with F. Scott Fitzgerald (who is also great), but i'm a bigger Hemingway fan, honestly. "Farewell to Arms" is one of my favorite books.

15. I write in a journal almost everyday. When I met one of my favorite authors, Michael Connelly, he told me that to become a writer, I had to write everyday (to answer your questions, yes, I am still geeking out about him giving me writing advice and wishing me good luck!), and I took that advice to heart. Even when I'm stumped, I write in my journal about my day and about life. It makes it easier because I share a journal on google docs with my bff, and reading her journal entries makes me want to write even more. But anyway, I highly recommend keeping a journal!! Especially if you like to write.

Well, there it is! 15 whole facts about me. That was actually a lot harder than I expected, trying to think of facts not very many people know! Plus with all my computer issues this week, it's been a struggle getting it posted. BUT, I finally did.

Thank you, whoever you are, for reading this blog. Again, and forever, it means so much to me.

Signing off until next time, 

Ella Frances Waite


  1. Top 10 books next time! Love your farewell line!

  2. I do number four too! Wonder if it's hereditary?


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