When I was a little girl, all I watched was animal planet. That and Disney Channel, but mostly animal planet.
My biggest role model was Steve Irwin aka the crocodile hunter. I absolutely loved him and loved every single thing he stood for. He was always saying that animals were "gorgeous" and "beautiful" but also dangerous. He told everyone that animals were more afraid of you than you were of them, and that they were to be respected and admired.
When he died, I was devastated. And little 8 year old me, I was afraid that people would blame sting rays and start killing them! (I'm honestly not sure where I got that idea, but I was convinced it was true). I was so upset because I knew Steve Irwin wouldn't want anyone to blame the sting ray, and so I wrote
"Save the Sting Rays"
"Don't Blame the Sting Rays"
"Save the Sharks"
(I had to add Sharks on there because everyone hates Sharks but they have been one of my favorite animals since I was small) On pieces of paper and put them all around my house and my aunts house, who was living in Ontario with us at the time.
You could say I liked animals.
After he died I noticed a change in Animal Planet, too. They started showing shows like "Untamed and Uncut" about animal attacks. I thought No! This can't be right, animals aren't terrible, they're scared! They don't belong in cages, it's not their fault! and I even wrote a letter to Animal Planet explaining why they should take shows like that off the air.
I was intense. I even boycotted Animal Planet after that (not like animal planet would even be aware of 8 year old me refusing to watch their shows, but I thought I was doing the animals some kind of justice).
I've always been obsessed with anything earth-animal related. I used to want to be a Big Cat Breeder so that I could work with big cats in zoo's and take care of the babies! Contrary to popular belief, I have never once wanted to be a vet. I took my devil cat to get a shot with my mom one time and even though the cat hated me and I hated it, I'm pretty sure I cried more than the cat did.
Habakkuk 2: 14
For the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
The Earth is seriously amazing. Anyone who argues with that is crazy! Think of all the things the Earth gives us! Beauty to behold, supplies to use for the benefit of man, food, drink, oxygen, everything necessary for our survival.
Not to mention it's insanely beautiful.
The mountains are calling and I must go.
That's one of my favorite sayings, and I for sure need a t shirt that says it (hint hint). But no, really, isn't it amazing how the earth clears your head? How good a cold glass of water tastes after a long days work in the sun? How happy you get when you see a horse running through a field or a new born puppy who can't even open his eyes? Isn't it amazing that talking a walk through the woods provides you with so much piece and happiness?
Is that a coincidence? No. God for sure put this earth here for us to live on, for us to enjoy, for us to survive, for us to learn from and for us to love.
Whether your thing is saving the sting rays, taking care of animals, enjoying the great outdoors, or even just staying inside and enjoying mans creations (that should, partially, be credited to Earth cause she keeps the man who invented all your cool toys alive) I think we can all agree that Earth is pretty amazing.
Sorry for the rant, I just love Earth. Thanks for letting me share that with you, and again, thank you for reading.
Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite
