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Showing posts from 2019

never ending changes

I often find myself pondering what life has been like lately, or how my life is now compared to four years ago. The other day I was thinking about my senior year of high school. So many questions loomed over my head that year: "where are you going to college?" "what are you going to study?" "what do you want to do with your life?". And then, of course, there were the more personal ones that I wasn't getting asked, but I was asking myself. Like "what happens if you get to college and hate what you chose to major in? Where will you go next? What will happen with your future? If I got to Eastern Oregon, will I be missing out at the social atmosphere and spirituality of BYU-I?"  Eventually, I figured it all out. That summer was one of the best summers of my life! I had so much fun traveling to see family, working with new people, planning my future, buying stuff for my house with Trampis that I was so excited to move into. I also said good...

body image

Hey everyone! It's me (your friendly neighborhood college student).  I've been thinking about writing this blog post for almost an entire year. I never got around to it, and maybe that's partially because I always get caught up with homework. (Like I should be doing RIGHT NOW) But more realistically, it's just because I can never figure out how to say what's been on my mind. A few fears continuously persist: what if I come off as judgy? What if people get offended? What if I sound like I'm just making excuses?  But, honestly, who cares what the dark side of my brain is screaming at me? I sure shouldn't.  I've always struggled with body image. When I was in high school, I always looked at my skinnier friends and thought about how much bigger than them I was. I used to joke that every time I tried to buy something from Hollister that I couldn't because I needed to shop in the "big and tall" section. Now, I cringe when I remem...

6 months

Currently: sitting on the couch, my pup begging me to throw her toy, my husband making jokes about spider-man while playing his spider-man video game. This is my life. It’s been over 6 months since Coulsen and I said “I do” in the courthouse in Hillsboro. Over the last 6 months we’ve moved into a new house, our first time renting!!!, went to multiple family events, celebrated the fourth of July, thanksgiving, christmas. We got a puppers. We’ve traveled A LOT (together and separately), watched A LOT of movies, went out to dinner a million times, and bought way too many candles. We’ve also started “The Office” again, twice. We’ve argued, we’ve laughed, we’ve cried (okay, maybe that’s mostly me). It’s been a good time. A really really good time. It was the best decision I could have made. And because of this, I’ve been itching to write about this monumental experience of mine. I wanted to tell the world that I’m doing GOOD. Even on the bad days, I’m doing so good, because I have...