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the magic in my headphones

It’s been a while. I guess it’s been a while for multiple reasons, and those are because for one, I’ve been working, and if I’m not at work, then I’m traveling or at church or with friends. But being busy shall never be an excuse for not writing (I can HEAR Ernest Hemingway rolling in his grave and Stephen King laughing at me from wherever that crazy psycho- genius lives).
    The second reason is because this blog is meant to be my thoughts. It’s meant to be coherent and organized thoughts and ideas and events from my life but my life and my mind is ALL OVER THE PLACE THE MAJORITY OF THE TIME. To counteract this problema that I face, I enlisted some friends, and one in particular requested this topic. Hey, I thought I should branch out and try something new.

Oh, hey look, it's me. This is one of many pictures coming up guest staring people whom I love, and who were kind and generous enough to help me out with this blog. So, if you see a pic of someone listening to music, and see an italicized caption under neither, those are their words about music they like. Who wanted to listen to me talk about myself the whole blog anyway?

    So here I am. But where the heck do I begin?
    I’ve always found music a support system for art. And beauty, for that matter. I know artists, whether that is being a writer or being a painter, who get inspired by music while they work. And obviously musical artists have to be inspired by some way for music. But honestly, I’ve never thought of music as essential until the past few months. A while back I was telling my stepdad “if someone put a gun to my head and forced me to choose between music and movies, I would pick movies” and he turned to me and said, “but imagine movies without music”. That shut me up real quick and that conversation sparked something that I’ve been thinking a lot about lately- how music has influenced my life, and what music I’m drawn to.

"Music's been one of my most beautiful escapes. There's ALWAYS a perfect melody for every mood, situation, trouble, function, reunion, attire, boredom, heartbreak, workout, commute, relationship, loneliness, frustration, nostalgia, memory, person, and everything in between. And for that I'm always digging through Wikipedia pages and record stores."
-The friend I never knew I needed, Noah Denker

    The first thing that comes to my head is the band The Killers. I know *eye roll* because that’s the only music that most of you, readers, will hear me talk about. I don’t even remember where my obsession started, but I can remember the exact moment it peaked.
    Setting the scene: middle school awkward Ella, sitting with her grown up teddy bear of a father, driving home in the dark from Boise to Ontario (I don’t remember why we were there but that ain’t important). The CD in the CD player is a Killer’s one (Sam’s town? Day and Age?) and my father and I are listening to it, while we hold hands, and driving in the dark with no words being exchanged.

    *Thank you for allowing me to transport you years back in time to one of my favorite moments with my dad*

 This is the newest Killers album. I bought it a few weeks ago and love it, as always. It was my first time buying a CD since I was 14... I felt transported back into the dark ages. The dark ages with no Spotify. 

    So when I think of music, I think of that moment. And if I think harder, I think of the road trips to moms or dads that my brother and I would take, jamming out to everything from Cat Stevens to Tim McGraw. I think of my mom sing/screaming a song called “eighteen wheeler” while driving me toward my new college adventure. I think of a memory that is fresh (it happened less than three months ago) where I sit in the passenger seat of my friends car, talking to my friend seated in the back, but suddenly hushed by my other friend- the driver- practically yelling while she cranks her stereo up- “THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG BY THIS BAND! LISTEN!”

"I listen to really anything. I think that every genre has good songs. So anything that has a good beat or impactful meaning, I enjoy."
-Cynjyn Pearl Goon, my best friend, cousin, and soul mate. 

    My favorite thing about music is the emotion behind it. The ability is has to connect people and to inspire and to comfort (am I the only person who turns up music to a deafening volume when they are home alone?????).
    So what do I listen to? What inspires me?
    SO. MANY. THINGS. (except rap… except screamo… except…. yeah).
    Alternative, alternative rock, country (mostly in the summer), pop, folk, show tunes, etc. I would say I’m drawn to slower stuff more so. I can also get into the oldies. “Total Eclipse of the Heart” is a forever classic, and I’ve been completely obsessed with “Lights” by Journey and “Father and son” by Cat Stevens lately. Queen is amazing. Lumineers (not oldies but still goodies) are some of my favorites. Jon Bellion is amazing. “Cherry Wine”, “Like Real People Do”, and “Work Song” by Hozier are my go to’s for rainy days and I never get tired of those songs.  
    If it’s got a cool voice, a good beat, good lyrics, I’m probably there :) 

"I live for the moment when you find a song that hits you in the chest. That feeling of the music filling the space and engulfing you. It is an absolute peace mixed with a rush of adrenaline."
-Ariel Slifka, one of the most authentic friendships I've ever had

    Although I may not realize how much music influences me, I do listen to it constantly. I’d go crazy if I had to clean, drive, or write in silence. It’s my favorite companion when I’m home alone- besides Moxon, of course. He would be VERY Jealous if I said it was my favorite :)
    Lately, and this is really nerdy, I’ve been completely consumed with The Hamilton soundtrack. Why wouldn’t I be? I mean, it had literally all my favorite things, catchy music, deep lyrics, cool voices, historical context, it’s a MUSICAL for heaven's sake, and it focuses on how much Hamilton wrote in his lifetime. MAN. My favorite songs from this are “Satisfied”, “Dear Theodosia” and “say no to this”. Hey! Even if you aren’t interested in musicals, PLEASE give this a listen. At least those songs.

A picture from my Jon Bellion concert a few weeks ago. 

    So what’s the point?
    Today, in my popular music class (HOW FITTING), we had a guest speaker. He mentioned how his musical history has changed the person he is today. How music can change people, can speak up for injustice, to soothe wounds.
    So maybe this post won’t change anyone’s lives drastically, but the context of it has changed me, and maybe some of those songs I mentioned will inspire YOU. Maybe your dream is something to do with making music, and even if it’s not, hopefully music can aide you in whatever that dream is. For me, it’s writing. For example, I’m listening to music RIGHT NOW, and I’m going to start on a story today that was inspired by one line of a song.

    Thank you for reading!!!!! I hope you enjoyed this little dip into my life and my musical history. I hope you use music to bridge gaps between people, to lift up your soul, to promote LOVE and HAPPINESS. This, I hope, from across a computer screen.

    Signing off until I write again,
    E. F. Waite


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