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Hello all ya'll!!!!

I'm not sure how this whole taking a video, posting a video, watching a video thing works (I am not  tech savvy, contrary to what my grandfather would say). BUT hopefully it works so you can see my awkwardness and my small rant about awesome people.

I mentioned in the video that I've been so happy lately, and its true!! I have! And the more I tell people "I'm so happy!!" the more happy I become. It's weird how being positive works that way. In all honesty, I'm not happy 24/7 (I can't bare to be those people with blogs and social media who seem to never have problems in their lives. We all know they do, but they never say it, which makes you think your problems shouldn't be there and they become your #goals and it's this whole vicious cycle). I do struggle. I am stressed about college. I am sad about leaving my friends. I'm sad about the friends I have lost and the friends that I feel drifting away. I have doubts and I worry about little things and I get my feelings hurt. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT I am happy. Over all, I am happy.

There is so much good on this earth. So many things to be happy about.

For me, I have the best (but most complicated) family in the whole world. We might not all get along all the time, but all of my 14 immediate family members (9 siblings, 1 brother in law, 4 parents) bring something different to the table. My relationships with them are all so unique and I wouldn't change it for the world.

My friends are amazing. I've lost some, but I still think they are amazing, too, and route for them from afar. But the ones that are with me now are the best. I feel so loved and supported by them (at least right now. Sometimes not cause I make dumb choices and they shake their heads at me).

I love love.

I'm excited for college and sad to be leaving but I'm so excited for all the new people I'm going to meet! I'm so excited to make new friends, to learn from new teachers. And I'm excited to go home after my first day of school and call all my friends and tell them all about it.

I'm just really really really lucky right now.

So be nice!! Tell everyone you love them!! Say "I'm happy" until you're blue in the face, until you actually mean it!!!!!!!!!!

And if we're not best friends then what the heck, we should be.

If we're already friends, or family, know I love you guys.

Thanks for reading (and watching!!). It means soooooo much to me. It helps me on my road to happiness ;)

Signing off until next time,
Ella Frances Waite


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