Hello again!! It hasn't been a really long time since last time I posted something, but it has been a little while since I updated about what's been going on in my life lately so I thought I would do that! Side note, I was talking to my mom the other day and I said "I'm pretty sure this summer's been the best summer of my life" and it's seriously true. OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS! I'm so overwhelmed with love. I am so grateful for everyone I've grown closer to this summer, and all the cool stuff I've done. Enough with the sap, geez, Ella. Onto the updating :) A few weeks ago, our church put on this barn dance for all the cool people who were 18 and up. Honestly, I wasn't too excited for it, but my friend Evan (above) dragged me and I ended up having a super fun time. And meeting more super fun people!! I've gone into Portland three times in the last three weeks, and twice I went to my favorite bookstore EVER, Pow...
Writer / Storyteller / Feminist / Wife / Historian / Bookworm / Nerd