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Showing posts from May, 2016


Hello, again!! I hope the time that took place since my last post has found you, the reader, well. Even though I've been excited to blog for days, I didn't know what to say when I sat down to start typing! Where does a writer/blogger go when they are at a loss of words? The internet, of course. I looked up "blogging ideas" and so  many awesome ideas came up! Here are just a few: write a short story, aspirations and dreams, top 10 best movies/ books/ songs according to me, bust a myth, write about what you regret, some of your favorite pictures, etc. (If anyone is dying for me to write about any of those, text me, tell me on social media, or comment on here!) Surprisingly, the winner of the poll was "15 facts about me". A close second was "10 best movies/books/ tv shows" so I'll probably do that next time.  Geez, 15 whole fun facts... bare with me here.  1. I love to learn about War. For a while I seriously considered being a h...


Hello again, loves!! In the latest poll I took with all my friends about what I should post about, it was a tie between "life lately" and "How the world is grey". I'm actually super excited about this tie, cause that means the tie breaker is me and I get to pick ;) To be deep for once instead of relaying my life events to you (check my insta for that ;)) I decided on "how the world is grey". This may be quite the confusing topic by just the name. A grey world? What does that even mean? The other day I got a text from one of my best friends ((yes, that's you, Fitzgerald)). She was asking me if she could share her research paper with me and if I could give her feedback and help her write an ending to it. I said yes in a heart beat, and if you, the reader, know me well, then you know why. I love this friend, I love writing, and I have a strange love for essays (thanks to my 11th grade English teacher, actually). Her paper was about a book se...