Hey everyone! It's me (your friendly neighborhood college student). I've been thinking about writing this blog post for almost an entire year. I never got around to it, and maybe that's partially because I always get caught up with homework. (Like I should be doing RIGHT NOW) But more realistically, it's just because I can never figure out how to say what's been on my mind. A few fears continuously persist: what if I come off as judgy? What if people get offended? What if I sound like I'm just making excuses? But, honestly, who cares what the dark side of my brain is screaming at me? I sure shouldn't. I've always struggled with body image. When I was in high school, I always looked at my skinnier friends and thought about how much bigger than them I was. I used to joke that every time I tried to buy something from Hollister that I couldn't because I needed to shop in the "big and tall" section. Now, I cringe when I remem...
Writer / Storyteller / Feminist / Wife / Historian / Bookworm / Nerd