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Welcome: A little about the blog & myself

Hey! So if you are reading this, you probably know who I am. If not, here's a preview!

My name is Ella! I live in Oregon, I have 9 siblings (alright, truth be heard, 6 are step siblings but what's the difference, really?), I am 17, I go to high school (a.k.a DEATH), and I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Otherwise known as Mormons, or LDS.

In all reality, the reason I decided to make a blog is because 1) I love to voice my opinions and thoughts and 2) I love to write! I've made a blog before, when I was in 7th grade, and you can imagine how embarrassing that was. Mostly that was because my aunts did it, and since I lived far away from all of my extended family, I wanted to keep in touch and tell them how I was doing. Well, Instagram fixed that problem. Now, it's more so for me and just wanting to extend my writing horizons, and to see if I can help some people along the way!

In my lifetime I've lived in 6 towns, an switched schools 4 times. My parents got divorced and remarried, I went from 1 sibling (a big brother whom is a pain but someone I love very much) to 9,  I've moved as a junior in high school, I've made bad choices and had to deal with consequences, and my testimony of my church has been scattered all over the place. I'm not saying these things have given me some magical wisdom that is better than other teenagers you know, it just makes me... me. And I dunno, I think I'm a pretty alright person! And over the years I've learned to love myself.

So as you can imagine, with going through everything I've been through and being a senior in High School about to brave the scary reality of the world that is laid before me, I have a lot to say (or write).

So that's just a little bit about me. Mostly, though, this blog will be about my day to day "teenage wisdom" and about the thoughts I have about everything, especially the church (don't worry, those are all good thoughts... my thoughts about high school, not so much).

So stay tuned if you dare, and if you do, it would mean a lot :)

Signing off until next time,


  1. Loved your old blog, so looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this one too :)

  2. I agree, I loved your old blog too. This one will also be great. I'll be with ya the whole way!!


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